You are
the person, robot,
or thing to find The Boneyard. Scarry isn't it.
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Were in the process of
moving. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is
Skull Man. You may of heard of me, STAR of Mega Man 4. What's
that? Why am I hear and Not Warp Station. Well I bet Warp Station
that He couldent stick out his toung and touch his nose with it.
I won because his mouth gard got in the way.^_^. So I won The
Warp Station, and I am taking compleat control of it. I am moving
it to my place in Dr. Cossack's Lab. You can visit me and the
rest of the MM4 gang at Megaman
4: Cossack's Creations.
Mega Man and all
other related characters are trademarks of
. Every thing here is property of the original
owner. Every thing that is mine is property of Skull Man. If you
take my property, I will be forced to pound you. You woudn't like
that now would you. On the other hand, if you would like to get
pounded please send a credit card number, check or cash (cash
would be prefered) to The Boneyard. If anything "happens"
to it on the way here, I can't be held resoncible. So if you
still want a pounding, just ask Groovy Kat.
Best viewed with eyes, a
computer (with a moniter), and whatever else you need to view
this page.