Welcome to bcw142@yahoo.com

Yahoo.com page

BCW is my initials: Brian Craig Wallace. I'm 50, but don't look or act 50. I like to play DOOM, DOOM2, HERETIC, HereticII, Quake, Duke Nuke'm 3D , FinalDOOM and many older favorites like Space Invaders, Centipede, Tetris and such. I also have some Gameboys that I play many of these games on. I have quite a few computers two A500 one of which is in a BODEGA BAY with 9M RAM and 540M HD, I have an A1000 and CD32 as well. I run the BBCs as an home network and have a number of orphan computers (Osborne1, TI99/4A, C64...) about.

Computers and Music are basically hobbies and I work as a electronics technician generally, currently at Glacier Computer. I went to high school at B.G. and also attended U.N.H. for awhile. I'm using and working on Wikipedia under bcw142 as well as other places.

Internet Censorship

A note about Color in HTML.

Windows95 The Mouse Problem with DirectX


  • WindowsCE | Casio | Yahoo's WinCE Links |
    WindowsCE no longer exists as such, it's now PocketPC.
  • Brian Wallace's Bookmarks

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    Random Links I'm playing with.
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    Welcome to The New Red Green Show
    Grover Potty CAM

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