Home page of Mitsubishi Cricket Club
The Brain child of Bhattacharya and RajaRamReddy, The club was formally constituted after two years of delibrations on the 5th of November 1999 after a splendid show by the Mitsubishi team in their first match against Arpal gulf.
Player profile
BK Bhattacharya: The founder of MCC .At 47 years of age his enthusiasm is commendable and he his fitter than many other players who are twenty years younger to him. Bowls , what he calls off spin ala Muralitharan style. Bats well in the nets yet to bat in a match situation.Youngsters in the team would be benifitted if they take cue from his dedication to nets.Tailor made for the manager's post.
AR Reddy: The co-founder of MCC is also its captain. Brilliant batsman and on his day can destroy any bowling attack, Plays shots alround the field and particularly strong in the 'V'. A totally rejuvenated bowler these days since his return from vacation..Loves coaching the youngsters and is good at it. The team would be benifitted a lot if they heed his advise. Niggling injuries to left knee and right shoulder prevents him from performing to his full potential.Should shrug of his arrogance while batting and improve his fitness.