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[ 01/03/04 ] - Monday 17:30 GMT +0800
Sengoku trilogy trainers released.
Cancel Mode - ability to cancel between special moves
[ 20/02/04 ] - Friday 20:00 GMT +0800
Updated and released. Expect more updates and re-releases to come soon.
[ 17/02/04 ] - Tuesday 17:30 GMT +0800
Minor updates in Breakers & Breakers Revenge trainers, coming soon.
Combo Mode
[ 27/01/04 ] - Tuesday 17:30 GMT +0800
SVC trainer released.
[ 24/01/04 ] - Saturday 09:30 GMT +0800
Lunar New Year special W.I.P. More pics here.
[ 25/08/03 ] - Monday 18:20 GMT +0800
Case Study 2 : Revelations of Zellen from The Trainer Page
I'll reveal some evidence of his dirty little scam, which includes some of his previous emails requesting for passwords of xxx
trainers and how he attempts to obtain the passwords by hook or crook so that he can rip the cheats for his trainers.
Once upon a time, there was a guy named Zellen. He was eager to make his own trainers but didn't had a clue, he stumbled
across my site and requested for help. Unfortunately, i helped him.
I've cut away the contents of this mail, it's basically the birth of The Trainer Page and the beginning of my nightmares.
Because of the similarities of his trainers to mine and also the previous incident with Drakula (Neozilla), i had taken down all
of the Neoragex trainers and started implementing passwords. Now take note of the IP address.
[Time Laspe]
I've dropped him hints but i suppose he really didn't bother and continues his ways of ripping off other people's work
including mine and Wolferaizer's that he had downloaded previously or from other sites. 5 months had passed and i kept
ignoring his request mails. Then came 'Howied'
Take note of Howied's email address and this email by Kevin Nash then compare the IP address to the above. This is just
one of his many irritating request mails and also just one of his many fake identities.
[Final Notes for Zellen]
So you've managed to get your hands on Spinmaster and Garou, Matrimelee even? or SS3 and SS4 trainer as well? But you'll
always be labelled a 'duplicate'.
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