d the wandering wonderer
Welcome to my Webpage!
Thanks for coming to visit. I've updated now to include pictures of some the places i've been over the last few months. I've also included some portions of my portfolios from the past few semesters. Basically my exploits of the past little while in web form. I'm still alive and kicking.
Some portions of plays and poetry i've written in my wandering paths from different times in my life.
This is my most complete play at this time. I wrote it in Spring 0f 1999 for a class. I have since also performed it once. Its a one act play dealing with a mystical creature and the idea of Enlightenment.
A collection of Ideas i am working on.
Part of an ongoing project i'm working to generate some creative material and live in my imagination for a little while. Character sketches and stories.
Finally posting some of the pictures i've taken from the different places i've been since i've had the capability of taking them. Of places and stuff i've been doing for last few months.
My adventure in experential education. Anyone interested in a university that allows you to galavant around the globe and discover your own education i recommend it. click above to link to the program's website.
These are my portfolios, or just selected pieces of them. As part of Friends Wolrd instead of having of grades we are required to document are learning processes thus not just showing how well we learned something but also how we learned it. This form allows more freedom in how you can express your learning ie. different types of writing, photographs, paintings, etc., while also giving you a resource for future reference. So i present parts of what i have learned these past couple of years:
Thanks for coming by,