Welcome to this site. You are spectator number
***NEWS*** Trivia Game added 7/21- I added a cool Pokémon trivia game. If you're into Pokémon, check it out.
Current Seedings 7/11- You'll notice the current seedings is finally up with some votes. (I need more though). I don't have enough votes (or characters) for a sufficent all-console videogame characters tournament. ***TOURNAMENT!!!*** Matchups are still needed! So, you need to vote for characters to get in! The top 32 will make it in and will be seeded based on your votes. You can vote by writing in my guest book (preferred because it is easier to keep track), in the bulletin board (also preferred), and by sending e-mails. There is a maximum of characters you can vote for: 5 and no more (No exceptions!) ***HELP NEEDED!!!*** I need help to make this page better. Send in pictures (of characters that is), scripts (When the tournament is set), and other things that would boost this site (like your web page building skills if you have them). If you can lend a hand give me an e-mail and make this site better. |
© 1997 mlb137@msn.com