
Alternative Axis & Allies
These are our "house rules" for Axis & Allies, designed to make the game faster and easier. We made everything cheaper so you can get big and strong fast. You can set up your nation's units any way you want. Your units can keep fighting until they run out of moves. The Unit Table is short and simple.
New Weapons Development
Choose from dozens of modern weapons to customize your weapons development lists.
Samurai Swords Options
These are a few options we use with the game Samurai Swords.
Japanese Risk
This is our newest creation, a mix of Risk and Samurai Swords.
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since January 21, 1998.
Created by Ian Vance, Kevin Smith, Jennifer Danzinger, Carrie Vance, Chris Balster, Chris Judd, Jim Hart, Eric Davis, Chuck Horn, Don Devine, and Aaron Vance. Last updated on 8-3-06 by IV. We are a free site committed to the free exchange of house rules for A&A. If you want to contact us, write to
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