Warboss Toad's Great Gargant
da place for info 'bout
Warhammer Epic 40k: Final Liberation
In's case ya ain't heard yet, dis is da new game from SSI, Holistic Design, and Games Workshop dat pits da pitiful and weak armies of da Imperium of Man 'gainst da unstoppable green tide known as da Ork Horde for control of da planet Volistad.
We's jus' blowin' da final bit o' construct'n dust off'a da Great Gargant. I'z glad ta see ya gots off yer lazy duff and decide'n ta drops in on us! Takes a looks 'round!
'Erez summa da places ya may wanna check out:
MAIN-------------Brings ya back 'ere
BACKROUND---Links ta SSI's info on da universe
MATCHER-------Exclusively at da Gargant: Matchmaker Player Listing
STRATEGIK-----Strategik on units an' tactics
Q&A------------Queshuns an' answers on Final Liberation
NEWS------------Wots goin' on at da Gargant
LINKS------------Links ta lotsa kool stuff
Patch for v1.01 is out!
Fixes a lot of play bugs and spelling mistakes! Adds Ultra Marine Land Raiders!
Link to the patch may be found in the 'Links' section
If'n ya gots some ideas or suggestion, lev da Boss a mail below.
'Anks! Waaagghh!!!!
Dis site best viewed wif MSIE 4.0 @ 800x600
Logos an' pics are da property of whatever zoggin gitz made 'em (SSI,Holistic,Games Workshop)
boyz been 'ere so far
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