This page is always under construction :-)

Completely written in NOTEPAD, and later the Yahoo html editor

Ok, here we go....

Message of the day (maybe week or so) (if any msg at all)
Information about what is (probably) here
Information about me (striktly limited ofcourse :-)
My favorite links to other great sites
If you want to email me...

Page information

It is going to contain :
save-game patching files (created by myself)
music-files (also by me)
and anything else i come up with
I have created a little table, containing winamp 2.0 and dosamp 0.8
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Personal information

OK, here goes...

This webpage was the first I had since becoming a comp.sci. student in 1997.
I'm still studying, mostly due to having a lot of extra-study activities :)
Recently, Yahoo mailed me that I had to update my web site if I wished to keep it, so here.
Well, guess that's it again for now.
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Message of the "day"

Updated the site a bit. Still ancient content hanging around catching dust tho :)
I guess i can also start uploading my own game-editors (if somebody is actually interested)

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Favorite links..

My favorite (&fast) music downloadsite, almost anything here
My school (if for some strange reason u want to go here)
mIRC homepage, for the best IRC program around
MAZ' homepage, filled with almost all trackers/players etc
My Babylon 5 Page (just the best Tv serial ever)
My Homepage


people wanted to see this site
that is, if the counter is it?


For comments, hints, complaints, etc, email me
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