If you didn't know already, I'm a 5'6, blue eyed, spikey haired, boy . (But you can see me right here ) I live in the San Fransciso area and love chezzy horror films, Gatchaman and ICP! Some of my favorite bands are The CureTwiztidToolLess than Jake and Nine Inch Nails. I also like silly little forest animals and spend too much of my time playing Quake and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica,  but enough about me let's talk about you! send me E-mail at p0k0shroom@aol.com , I look forward to hearing from you.

As always this page is under construction but soon I'll have more pics and
stuff to play with!!!

Victims served: Check in Here!

Twisted souls and beautiful creatures. (The pictures)

My new Katse Page!

Turn the crank to goto my links page!
Or light a candle to goto my ICP page!

The Weather in Hell
Tina the Troubled Teen

This is Tina my lil' troubled youth!

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This Website is dedicated to the memory   of George Jenkins Sr. AKA. "Lefty"
               1914-2000 R.I.P.