Welcome to Nephi's Homepage.

Hi ANWARD CLICK HERE well right click it and save target as.I am Nephi and welcome to my site.I haven't been making this site better but I am still working on it. LOL ya right I am just lazy and I just updated it today with new pics November 29, 2000. Maybe someday when I am unlazy I will finally fix this site up.

Sorry the layout sucks but its a site for people to see my pics

Well peace out.
hey click this josh UOE
nephi pic

nephi picnephi pic

Here's recent pic of me for any peeps out there. I am an 18 year old attending South Puget Sound Community College and will transfer to the University of Washington next year with my AA.
Hey its am update. maybe i should actually get done and finish making this site. anways its may 15th, 2001 and i just scanned some pics. so check them out by going here.
This is a baby picture of me you like?
click here to view some more pics of me.
baby pic
CLICK ON PIC IF YOU LIKE PR0N.this is not porno but is a joke


coming soon...
nephi and josh
this is a pic of me and my friend josh. not much to say now but maybe later.

Another pic.

This pic is of Me, Josh, Wava(Josh's Grandma), and Eldo(Josh's Grandpa).
this guys is a gay homo who thinks he da shit but is really gay
my friend is Ikaika(left) and this is HIS GIRLFRIEND(right). He is a gay as in retarded to pose in that way and show off his abs. He does nothing but work out cause he thinks he can impress the ladies with his physique. Oh well, he attracts more guys than girls. Thats for sure hehe. They both live in hawaii on the island of Oahu. I visited them and my family when I went there for x-mas break in 2000.
no pic cause i am very lazy to go scan another one and post it up maybe i might not sure

This site is in major construction. I need to do stuff so if u got any ?'s just mail me.Hmm... I wonder if people even come here at all. Well if u do then please mail me here.


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