Welcome to the home of the Dark LLama
Whois the Dark Llama?
What does the Dark Llama do?
What does the Dark Llama watch?
What does the Dark Llama look like?
How can I get in contact with the Dark Llama?
Who does the Dark Llama consider friends?
My Background Images
Wherever you see this image just click it and you will come back here.
My Paintball Guns
Coming Soon: A links page will be up soon, along with some photos of my friends.  Hopefully I will get somemore background images up, and if I ever get the pictures I need my new and cool game will be up but to play it you must have the password.  Again that is only if I get the pictures.  I am working on the contact page I may just set it up as a form page that is set to email me with what you want to ask or know, I am not sure yet though.  And if anyone knows java I am looking for a referer redirect script.