Welcome to the
MicroProse Games Web Ring

This Web Ring is unusual in that this single page is the entire Ring. All the following Web Rings deal exclusivly with MicroProse Games and are linked together through this Web Site.

The MicroProse Games Web Ring is NOT affiliated with MicroProse in any way and recieves NO endorsment from them.

The goal here is to eventually have a Web Ring for every MicroProse Game, and to have them hooked together with the MicroProse Games Web Ring. As people enter one of these Rings from a Web Site and start to cascade through the Sites in that particular Ring, they will come across this Site. Here the user is presented with a choice, to continue along the ring they were in allready. Or, to jump to another Ring for a different MicroProse game that they also own.

There are many people out there who own many Computer Games from MicroProse. Alot of people that play these Games also visit their favorite Web Sites to download files, and generaly chat in forums. In an atempt to provide an easier way for these people to navigate to their favourite Web Sites, this Web Ring's goal is to hook together ALL MicroProse Games Web Rings through this Web Ring Intersection.

For a complete list of MicroProse Games go Here. And to purchase a MicroProse Game go Here.

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If you are a Web Ring Owner, I would like for you to join the MicroProse Games Web Ring and put the following image and associated hyperlink somewhere on your site.

This Web Ring is not for general membership. It is for Web Ring Owners ONLY. However, I have left open the options for anybody to join the Ring.

As soon as 5 Web Ring Owners join this Ring it will be listed in RingWorld. Which will result in more hits for all the Sites in these Rings.

Since the nature of this Ring is that it joins OTHER Rings in order to provide a Ring Intersection Point, there is no need for the Ring Logo to have anymore functionality other than being a link to this HomePage. But if you would like to provide your Web Site Visitors a more direct route to this page becides cycling through the Sites in the Ring you belong to, then please place this button on your Site.

Nobody is required to place this button on their page, and you do not need to join this Ring to use it.

hits since 11/97.