Wolf's World of Darkness
Greetings all, and welcome to my site. This site is actually rather old, but it's been long in need of serious construction, which is currently taking place now.
My name is Wolf. I am an avid player and storyteller of many World of Darkness games, and I love to share my accomplishments and those of my players with others. This site is meant to be a resource for anyone out there who wishes to use it as such. Perhaps my players could become your NPC's, perhaps one of my storylines sounds like a great idea to use in your own game; etc, etc. Regardless, I am enjoying these games and I am enjoying sharing the stories.
Inside are our pain and passion, blood and guts, joy and sorrow, and our greatest achievements paired with the greatest of our failures. Whatever you use this page for, I hope you enjoy yourself immensely. So without further adieu, here are the options you have before you.

The Pack of Luna's WillGaia's Pride Pack
The Wild Card Pack (Now Ended)

Chicago Chronicles
© 1997 Son_of_Luna@hotmail.com