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18 October, 1998!
Wooow, Its been like almost a year since I last updated, and the counter almost hit the big ten!!! Not bad, eh?
Anyway, I started getting into all this HTML thing again, and really want to start a webpage... Unfortunely I have trouble finding a subject which I enjoy and where I have content on. So I want to find a webpage which got content, but not a great design, and help them out... If you know of a webpage like that e-mail me!!! My e-mail has by the way been changed to
Anyway, I think I will update one more time so stay tuned... Cya!

31 December
Sorry for not updating lately, but the truth is that I donīt really play that much AoE more. Iīve also joined another website, the coolest Civilization 3(Yes 3) site on the web, Civilization 3 Center. I am the Co-Webmaster there. Why not take a look? I have also been working `ard on a StarCraft page. Expect to see it in a few days. BTW Iīve also joined a StarCraft clan "The Tribe". Check out their webpage, it is totaly awesome. And no, I didnīt become a StarCraft Beta tester =(
Oh well better tell some AoE news: The patch is finaly out. It fixeds a lot of problems and you can now set the pop. limit. Go download it now at the zone.

9 December
Hey I won an award!!! Yes it is true I really did!!! Many thanks to SkeletonMasterfor giving me this award.=)
Awesome Site Award!!!

Oh well, better get back to reality and tell the other news. =(
The tips section is now up an running(!) and I have added a faq "Assyrian Archers (40% Firerate) vs. Hittites Archers (+1 Attack)", by Good information. Thanks for that Devy.

8 December
New look in the downloads section It is all much more nice and clean now. Now how many times can I say this:
I WILL TAKE (almost) ANYTHING RELATING TO AGE OF EMPIRES!!! NO MATTER WHAT IT IS I WILL PUT IT ON THIS PAGE! PLAYING TIPS, SCENARIOS, CAMPAIGNS, CHEATCODES, SCREENSHOTS, ARTWORK, EVERYTHING!!!! By the way my links section is way to little; dont you know/owns some cool AoE sites that could use another link!?! Anyway mail it to me!

7 December

I havenīt updated this page in a couple of days since I have been pretty busy with school and everything but now it it Sunday and I have plenty of time. Anyway...
New look!!! Away with the frames, AoE Mekka is now much more browser friendly!!! Cool new images huh!?!
Another scenario added Marathon by Gilbert Oradou( It is in french but that should not be a problem.
Tips section is slowly building up and I have put in a small guide to two tribes(Egyptian and Phoenician) Go check it out now!!! You can even download it in zip format and read it offline. Many thanks to Ceasar910 ( who provided me with this small guide. He also did the two maps Alesia II and Seige of Troy II. Great stuff!!!
I will hopefully be adding a cheats section soon in the next few days.
Remember: If you have any Tips, maps or anything else mail it to me.

1 December
I found two new scnarios on the Age of Empires Newsgroup.(microsoft.public.ageofempires)
Alesia II and Seige of Troy II download `em now!

30 November:

Added the Atlantis campaign in the downloads section. Go check it out!
Deleted the News section for now and instead put it on the front page.

29 November:
This site opened for real!!!

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