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18 October, 1998! |
Wooow, Its been like almost a year since I last updated, and the counter almost hit the big ten!!! Not bad, eh? Anyway, I started getting into all this HTML thing again, and really want to start a webpage... Unfortunely I have trouble finding a subject which I enjoy and where I have content on. So I want to find a webpage which got content, but not a great design, and help them out... If you know of a webpage like that e-mail me!!! My e-mail has by the way been changed to Anyway, I think I will update one more time so stay tuned... Cya! |
31 December |
for not updating lately, but the truth is that I donīt really
play that much AoE more. Iīve also joined another website, the
coolest Civilization 3(Yes 3) site on the web, Civilization
3 Center. I am the Co-Webmaster there. Why not take a look? I have
also been working `ard on a StarCraft page. Expect to see it in a few
days. BTW Iīve also joined a StarCraft clan "The
Tribe". Check out their webpage, it is totaly awesome. And
no, I didnīt become a StarCraft Beta tester =( Oh well better tell some AoE news: The patch is finaly out. It fixeds a lot of problems and you can now set the pop. limit. Go download it now at the zone. |
9 December |
I won an award!!! Yes it is true I really did!!! Many thanks to SkeletonMasterfor
giving me this award.=)
Oh well, better get back to reality and tell the other news. =( The tips section is now up an running(!) and I have added a faq "Assyrian Archers (40% Firerate) vs. Hittites Archers (+1 Attack)", by Good information. Thanks for that Devy. |
8 December |
look in the downloads section It is all
much more nice and clean now. Now how many times can I say this: I WILL TAKE (almost) ANYTHING RELATING TO AGE OF EMPIRES!!! NO MATTER WHAT IT IS I WILL PUT IT ON THIS PAGE! PLAYING TIPS, SCENARIOS, CAMPAIGNS, CHEATCODES, SCREENSHOTS, ARTWORK, EVERYTHING!!!! By the way my links section is way to little; dont you know/owns some cool AoE sites that could use another link!?! Anyway mail it to me! |
7 December |
havenīt updated this page in a couple of days since I have been
pretty busy with school and everything but now it it Sunday and I
have plenty of time. Anyway... |
1 December |
found two new scnarios on the Age of Empires Newsgroup.(microsoft.public.ageofempires) Alesia II and Seige of Troy II download `em now! |
30 November: |
the Atlantis campaign in the downloads
section. Go check it out! |
29 November: |
This site opened for real!!! |
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