this page last updated: Jan 2001
'SFB is life!' -- some guy named Speed
'There is a very fine line between "hobby"
and "mental illness."'
-- Dave Barry
"I don't believe science fiction like 'Star Trek,' where
people are essentially the same 400 years in the future,"
said Earth physicist Stephen Hawking in 1998. "Genetic
engineers would be the ones to hasten the pace of evolution
so humans could keep up with their own scientific and
technological advances."
Little did the humans of his day realize just what an
understatement that was!
Now, with genetic engineering projects both gone awry and gone
perfectly over those 400 years, just look at the varied races
of the known galaxy: Gorn, Lyran, Kzinti, Romulan, Klingon,
Human, Vulcan, Hydran, Andorian, Orion, ...
Major SFB News
There's a method for your own add-on material to get published: Stellar Shadow Journal.
Be aware: If you email something to ADB, or participate in their BBS,
your submitted ideas become the property of ADB.
Starfleet Command is a great SFB-based computer game.
Volume 2: Empires at War is due this winter.
Starfleet Command
Emerald Dawn / Starfleet Command
SFB Online supports online, near-real-time tournament duels
Non-SFB Space Pages
Travel to other galaxies and nebulae

Read an amazing but true story of Neil Armstrong,
first man on the moon (warning: a little risque)

See 1976, 1998, & 2000 photos of "The Face on Mars"
found by the 1976 Viking probe

Links for our Star Fleet Battles PBEM scenarios:
In turn 13 of this arena free-for-all, when 13 ships were down
to 4, basically, with 3 of them hurt bad, victory was conceded. A
destroyer from the ISC wins the 90 BPV free-for-all. Congrats to Travis!
At the start of turn 3 of this large fleet, large map, transwarp
encounter, a few dozen ships are still seeking each other out,
collecting tactical info and striking when advantageous. Each side
is racing to collect bonus victory points at an objective in each
region of the encounter area. The Alliance has struck first. This
proved to be too much administration and coordination for PBEM, so it
is discontinued as it was.
This was a solitaire SFB Winter Olympics scenario running for the
duration of the 1998 Winter Olympics. Everybody flew Orion ships,
for the maneuverability.
This scenario is a squadron challenge ladder. Teams are of 2 or
more players (or meet up with a partner here). The ships must follow the
guidelines, racially limited, any years. You are welcome to play
just once, or to continue in pursuit of the top of the ladder.
Participation in this scenario has fallen off, and no battle is active.
This scenario involves an ISC Peacekeeping Fleet encountering waves of
Everybody Else's ships, which approximately equal in total the ISC's
forces. This scenario will not start for a while.
This scenario is still in the prototype stage, but anyone is welcome
to join our efforts. We have come up with a set of non-moderated SFB
PBEM rules... cutting out the middle-man and much of the time delay.
We've found that it is not for general use, because each player must be
knowledgeable about SFB play, very organized, and able to resist the
temptation to monkey with the results, which causes confusion.
A free-for-all for dreadnoughts or similar ships, all races. There are 13
players, including one automaton, whose orders were locked in before play
started. There are 2 sun serpents chasing everybody around for a plasma
A small fleet of Lyrans and a small fleet of Kzintis encountered each other
in an asteroid field. The Kzintis have finished kicking royal butt on turn
4, for a big victory. (I'm not biased, as a Kzinti, really, I'm not!)
A small fleet of Romulans come upon a small fleet of Gorns. The Romulans won. Boo!
Thavik runs excellent battles... check out his page for openings in other battles,
including some in the Omega sector.
In turn 10 of this objective-based free-for-all, 11 ships
are now down to 3, and they're pretty evenly matched. Everyone is trying to
capture a prototype hyper-warp engine from an outpost located in The Neutral Zone.
It has stalled at that point for a while now.
the Twirling Aces moderator Jeff Buchmiller at jlb@edsr.eds.com
Visit other Star Fleet Battles web sites at:
Official SFB Information
Official Star Fleet Battles site by ADB
Official Rules Errata for Star Fleet Battles by Task Force Games
SFB Discussion Sites
Official Star Fleet Battles discussion site by ADB
Star Fleet Battles discussion site by Mark Means
Star Fleet Arena online SFB club, formerly BattleForce CompuServe
Star Fleet Battles r.p.g. net news access by DeJa News
Star Fleet Battles Town Hall by Web RPG
SFB Tournament Info
Official Star Fleet Battles PBEM Tournaments by Amarillo Design Bureau & others
Rules to Know for a Tournament by Sandy "Firemane" Hemenway
Star Fleet Battles Tourney Rules Summary by John Kim
Tournament Sequence of Play by John Kim
Tournament Ships Comparison Chart by John Kim
Tournament (& other) Tactics by John Kim
(Univ. of the Rock) Tournament Tactics & Analysis by Paul Scott
AREA ratings for SFB players by Bruno Wolff
SFB Resources and Newsletters
Star Fleet Battles comprehensive site by John Kim
Checklist for agreeing on rules to use by John Kim
Star Fleet Battles PBEM and resource site by Sandy "Firemane" Hemenway
Star Fleet Battles PBEM and resource site by Jim "Vandal" Hart
Star Fleet Battles PBEM and resource site by Steve Rushing
Star Fleet Battles variety site by Lyle "Alzado" Miller
Commander's Brief newsletter for Star Fleet Battles by Jim "Vandal" Hart
Battle Force CompuServe site
Star Fleet Battles material by John "Gnaarl" Hanna
Andromedan Players Group, Tactics, etc. by James Bradley
Galactic Center racial homepages central site by Firemane
Admiral Kang's (Klingon) homepage by Kang himself
Romulan homepage by Mike Bennett
Giving documents the SFB rules format by Mark Means
SFB site by Hector Rodriguez
SFB ship statistics (BPV summaries) by Jasper
Star Fleet Battles site by Pete Choppin
Star Fleet Battles site by Brad Upson
Star Fleet Battles site by Tim Manning
Star Fleet Battles site by Simon Portegies Zwart
Star Fleet Battles Variety site by Henry Cobb
Other SFB PBEM Sites
Star Fleet Battles New Worlds Campaign by Geof Clark
Star Fleet Battles Free-For-All PBEM game by Richard Eitzen
Star Fleet Battles PBEM games by Thorsten "Merkur" Kern
Help for your PBEM web pages by Mark Hall
The Portal PBEM mini-campaign by Cesar Alvarez
SFB Add-on material (races, ships, rules, etc.)
Core Worlds by Sean Young
Next Generation and other new ships & rules for Star Fleet Battles by Don Miller
Agents of Gaming resource site for Star Fleet Battles and related games
Companion Games resource site for Star Fleet Battles products
Castle Orcus resource site Star Fleet Battles products
Star Fleet Battles shipyard by "phd Beareau"
Star Fleet Battles sub-light rules by James Jarvis
Star Fleet Battles material by Kalannarr
Star Fleet Battles Add-on Material by Gideon Marcus
Star Fleet Battles material by Mark Means
Star Fleet Battles Add-on Materials and Related Games by Negh Var
Star Fleet Battles Add-on Materials by Mike West
Fighters Add-on Material by John Kim
Western Quadrant Add-on by Isaac Kuo
The Scon Add-on Race by Glenn Hoepfner
Early Years rules by Mike West
New ships by Wright Sublette
Star Fleet Battles Site by Tos
SFB-like computer games & graphics
Star Fleet Assistant for Win95 by Viper
Star Fleet Battles-like computer game by "D Rock"
Star Fleet Battles and Star Trek 3D graphics by Ted Geibel
Fleet Starship Tactical Combat Simulator computer game by Smoke and Mirrors
Computer game screen shots by "Nand"
SFB Assistant for DOS linked to by Hector Rodriguez
Starship Commander's Tactical Battle Simulator for Windows & DOS by Bill Hause
Space Empires III for Win95 by Malfador
3D ship images by Dirt
generic gaming (esp. PBEM) ideas
SFB card game by "Nand"
various games design articles collected by Inrete
"Murphy's Rules" for various games collected by John Kovalic
Playability and Game Design essay by Bill Jordan
Converting FTF Games Into PBEM Games essay by Mel Nicholson
Players - the Most Valuable Asset essay by Luis Sequeira
Game Automation for PBEM essay by Mel Nicholson
The PBM Habit essay by Van Norton
Drafting a game essay by Mel Nicholson
Play free board games via web interface by It's Your Turn
non-SFB, but related, stuff
Federation & Empire comprehensive site by Kenneth Peters
Romulan humor by Mike Bennett
Sev Trek comics (spoofing Star Trek)
Star Trek meets Dilbert... and more non-SFB material
Web/Email Dice Server
U.S. space agency NASA's web site
# Hits:
I'll gladly reference your Star Fleet Battles site... drop me a line.
Any references to this page are appreciated.
the Twirling Aces moderator Jeff Buchmiller at jlb@edsr.eds.com
Follow through on the SFB web ring. Start right here...