Command and Control
Welcome to Command and Control: Axis and Allies. 4 Nov. 98: I haven't had time to do much as far as updates or writing new material due to a lack of time. I did write up an Axis and Allies CD-ROM version review. If you have any strategies, tactics, or tips you want posted, feel free to send them to me and I will put them up for you.
Unexpected tricks, desparate saves, and other stuff that would be cool if it worked
World War 3: Nato and the Warsaw Pact
Simultaneous Turn Rules
Four Steps to the British Invasion
About the author

I am always open to suggestions, comments, additional strategies, and above all, IMPROVEMENTS! The more suggestions I have, the better this page will be. I'll do whatever I can to please the interested masses out there, so drop me a line.

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