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Q- Barbie
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Lithium ctf
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Hi its me again..yup another year gone buy, hard to believe its 2000 and the year 2001 just around the corner..I have tryed lithium ctf Quake2...i'm not the greatest on these maps, but its like anything else,.. it only takes time to be the best...Umax and me build a server for you all.. ctf lovers on Q2...under the name Hells Gate Lithium 2... Also know as Lex Lurther...i will have the ip addy up soon.... . Well its been some time since i have upgreated this site but buy the year 2001 the servers will be up and runing Q2 again and hope to add Unreal Tourment, also..maybe Halflife to.They are all cool game to play..I do miss playing in my Clan.....its been far to long...I have a new counter i lost my other counter i don't know how it had over 6,000 hites on it, oh while i start fresh, check out the counter lower part of this page...Thanks. Well i am off hope to see you fragging it ta ta ..
Hells Gate Lithium Quake2 plug plus our other web page ------>
If you have any question e- mail me at qbarbie@hotmail.com
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Girl Gamer
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