This page has been shut down due to some complications with Gainax/King Record copyrights. Don't worry, we'l be back, as soon as we clear this up.
I would like to state a public apology on behalf of all English Speaking Anime Worshippers to Gainax and King Records for violating their copyrights.
As there have been no furthering of this project, I shall use this space for another page. The link is located below.
Or join the programs below to get paid. The first one pays you to be connected to the internet (no ads, jsut a small program and pays via paypal).
The second one displays ads in their surfbar and you get paid. Detects mouse clicks and there is no time out session or are-you-there buttons.
Third one seems to be the best. It does have the are-you-there button sometimes, but they seem more organized than paidforsurf and you can get paid via paypal. Recommended.
Get Paid to be connected to the Internet
Get Paid to be online, chat, download, etc (detects by mouse movements, no timeout sessions).
Get Paid to be online and view ads (are-you-there button, but seems to be more organized).
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visitors since February 20, 1998