This is the first time I've edited these pages in about 3 or 4 years. Just to let you know, I don't use megazeux anymore, and haven't done so since mid-1998. I don't even remember Robotic, so I can't help you with any questions you may have. This page only stays here because people find it useful from time to time. The megazeux message board has been broken for a long time now, and zog the hunter 2 will never be finished. If you want to try and finish it, be my guest. I have moved onto other things now. Goodbye all!

28th May -- Tips #4 and #5 are up, go check them out!
26th May -- Zog the Hunter 2 =[NEW]= released! click here or here to get it -- Fixed charcon uploaded - go get it!
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Welcome to my Icebox. This page is devoted entirely to a wonderful program called Megazeux. Why did I call it an Icebox? Well the graphics i did for it looked kinda cold and icy anyway, plus in an icebox there's usually lots of things to choose from, so.. i dunno. shutup. I'll call it whatever i want! In an effort to not be exactly the same as every other megazeux page out there, I have made a Tip-of-the-Week section, which i will endeavour to add to EVERY week. If you have any suggestions for the tips section, or have a question about something that I could answer in the tips section, email me. I also added a special section designed for newbies. Its purpose is to get them out of the newbie stage as quick as possible so that they can begin making high standard games that everyone will want to play.

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