Bwahahaha! You have stumbled your way into my evil (homepage), and there is no escape! ;) Just kidding, of course. This, my little contribution to the Net, is mostly devoted to the online role-playing games, called MUSHs, that I play. You'll notice I've got a real liking for the writings of Anne McCaffrey- most of the games I play are based on worlds created by her. There are, however, exceptional exceptions, as you're about to see...
OtakuMUSH- Based on an original theme, Otaku is set in a futuristic background, where the players come together at the seat of government to play diplomats, traders, smugglers- the list is endless. OtakuMUSH is known for its humor and general wild craziness. I'm extremely honored to serve as a wizard there.
CrystalMUSH- Based on Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer books. Players get to go through applying to the Heptite Guild, being a recruit ("Oh no, not more sleds to clean!"), and adapting to the symbiont of Ballybran.
Crystal Dreams MUSH- Another Crystal Singer MUSH, and again you can go through the whole recruit/adaptation process. This one has a tendency to be a bit more angsty than CM.
PernWorld- Yep, based on Anne McCaffrey's Pern. Set almost a hundred turns after the discovery of Aivas, we have technology! Computers, electric lights, communications systems... the list goes on and on.
FrostFire Weyrs- Another fun Pern-based MUSH. Three different Weyrs to choose from, and there's always a Hatching in the making, it seems.
PernMUSH- Affectionately and not-so-affectionately referred to as NC, this is the biggest Pern-based MUSH around.
Aren't these just the most adorable dragons you've ever seen? The snoozing bronze is Galadriex, and the cute-as-can-be green is Cavyth. To get one or more for your very own, click here.
Read my guestbook! Sign my guestbook! (Please? Pretty please?)
(These folks seem to have disappeared- I hope they're up and running again soon. I miss 'em!)
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