Professional Jackasses
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Tournament Reports Updated!

1/07/08 - After nearly a decade of inactivity Sam hits a tournament and tries his best not to scrub out.

Crew Multiplayer Rules

Updated 1/07/08 - The format that we use is Legacy Deux (Maximum two copies of any non-basic land card) with a deck size minimum of 100 cards. You need at least 3 players per game. Seating is determined randomly and a d6 is used (after each player chooses his deck) to determine attack order. 1-2 Attack Left, 3-4 Attack Right, 5-6 free-for-all.

The Legacy banned list can be found at:

Multiplayer! it's 1995

5/27/01 - More info coming soon.

Sam Heckman Turns 34

8/31/00 - The staff of the Crew Page and their families would like to wish Crew Member Sam Heckman a happy 34th birthday. Have a great day Sam!

Crew Breaks Silence - Announce Changes

8/25/00 - Crew Members Sam Heckman and Ron Serio have recently concluded their bi-annual 4 month long "State of the Crew" meeting. A press conference was held this afternoon, at the Woodfield Hooters, at which they relieved a number of big developments. The Crew have officially endorsed Andrij Witiuk as their candidate of choice in the United States presidential election. Crew Spokesman Sam Heckman had the following to say about Mr Witiuk, "Andrij has clearly demonstrated that he is a strong leader, a profound philospher and one hell of a drinker. The Crew fully support his candidacy and can hardly wait to see all who oppose him crushed."

And in more important matters then the 2000 elections, The Crew have officially ousted Francis Keys from their ranks. Sam Heckman explains, "We felt that Francis was no longer functioning as a model representative of Crew beliefs and policies." "That bitch still owes me 100USD." interjects Ron Serio. "Please, if I may continue." says Mr. Heckman while motioning for his enraged teammate to take his seat. "As I was saying, The Crew no longer believes that it's unity with Mr. Keys is doing either party any good. We would like to part ways on amicable terms so that there are no hard feelings. Now, the matter of filling the slot vacated by Mr. Keys. A contest will be held to determine our new teammate. The list of eligable participants is as follows:

Dale "Monster Rod" Taylor
Cory "Competitor" Ferguson
Eddie Woods
Mike Reinking
Eric Fink
Brian Kowal
Jason Woodburn
Eric O'Dell
Jason Opalka
Nate Clarke
Lan D. Ho
All members of the Stelzer family.
And an honorary invite goes out to the Year 2000 Alpha Champion of Earth.

"The newest Crew Member will be the first one of the aformentioned players to kill Francis Keys and deliver his heart to either myself or Ron Serio. The hunt is on gentleman. Good luck and godspeed."

I just lol'd

6/19/00 - Please visit the above banner link. This is a desperate cry for help from a young boy and The Crew would like to show their personal humanitarian support in this unparrelled effort.
Thank you.

Stuck in the Race

Heroic Fighter, Dirty Sanchez', disposes of a few tuskers while Greyleaf Marksun (not shown) works on his buff cycle

Small Cat Sends Message From the Grave

Announcing Grand Opening of Official Crew Daycare Center

3/14/00 - In a press conference held at the Daley Center early this afternoon, Crew members Sam Heckman and Ron Serio unveiled plans for their new daycare center. The center, to be located in the laundry room of Mr Heckman's apartment building, will supervise children ages 3 months up through their 26th year. Pricing will be determined on a case by case basis. For example, while a typical todler ages 2-3 would be looked after for a cost of about $30 or 1 mote per hour, a 16-19 year old girl would only run about a $1.25 for the same period of time. Guests of the Crew Daycare Center will be privy to a slew of games, entertainment and gratifying work. Activities will include naps, doing Mr Heckman's laundry, cooking dinner, complex electrical engineering and all the servi-vision one could ask for. While we have not yet received any reaction statements from the pre-existing daycare competitors, I imagine they will be forthcoming.

2-2 Drop, or no?

12/13/99 - This weekend Sam Heckman and Francis Keys played in a PTQ at Neil's Diamond, the best site in Magic. Although there was no qualifying to be done a good time was had by all. Francis was 4-2-1 and Sam was 2-2.

Bob Maher Victorious, Reinstated as Crew Member!

12/6/99 - A shocking decision was made today in a meeting between Sam Heckman and Ron Serio to give Bob Maher the option of re-joining The Crew. This of course would mean a retroactive split of cash earnings from past Pro Tour accomplishments. "After doing some very rough estimates Bob only owes The Crew $17,423.54 in retroactive prize winnings" said Ron Serio. OTS Legal is currently working on the exact negotiations of the deal.

Smell in Bryant's Room Explained!

11/23/99 - After a massive investigation the mystery surrounding the unusual odor in Bryant's room has been solved. For many days a stark, sickening odor filled Crew Tang Clan Member Bryant Corrubias's bedroom in The Crew Apartment. It really reaked. Roomates Ron Serio and Mark Shumaker tried desperate measures such as using Ron's power fan to blast the stench out an open window while a search party formed to see if possibly Sam Heckman had pooped in a dresser draw or commited some similar act that would cause such a smell.

After many days of searching and coming up with possible theories for the odor they eventually gave in and called the apartment complex. A crack team of 4 Mexicans were dispatched to the scene and began a more advanced search. At 9:00am they began. After tracing the smell to an outside wall they started to drill small holes in the wall itself. Using the "sniff test" they drilled untill the smells from the small holes got stronger. After destroying the wall they pulled out the source of the smell, a decaying squirrel. The Mexicans gleefully grabbed it by the tail and left with thier prize. Maybe someday they will come back and fix the fucking hole in the wall.