...about my photography
(large format cameras, stereo photography, many many images)
...about my model trains
(digital control, scale Z, Märklin computer interface, movies, many many images)
...about my KYTRONs, i.e. autonomous mobile robots,
(with GIFs and movies)
and simulation of
...about the old house (with GIFs and JPEGs)
where I like to be most these days, and how it was some years ago.
...about the whiskies
(Single Malts and others)
we have at home, taste and enjoy on late evenings.
...about my favorite Austrian and international coffee drink recipes (list is available in German too).
Visit my wife's homepage (photos, cooking recipes, more).
You are visitor since Nov 6, 1999.
Comments and questions to rudolf mittelmann. Last modification Dec. 1st, 1999.