or has it not? Time will tell......
---- 316 ----
Blade back, talk about taking care of things.... lol WOW 10 years. Well I guess this really is a history site now for anyone reading this who has no clue this was the website of the 316 clan that played Jedi Knight Online from 1997 - 2001 well as a update guess i should drop the new JRA MB Link here: http://z6.invisionfree.com/JRA/index.php? umm my aim name is still good, just never on.... guess that's it Happy 10 JK and all who played Peace out ~Blade
Blade here again, wow the hits are rolling in 59.99% of visitors link from Unknown.... Wish i knew what link It was but thanks anyways... Ok so now what to do with this site. After thinking, the best would be to keep the old jedi knight site as is in a sec on my web page. As for new stuff. . . mmm I think i'm done with web pages Cya on the JRA message board. and I'll try and update some more soon cya all l8terrr -Blade
wow it's been 7 years!!! I can't belive this Jedi Knight web site is still up!! I thought I'd use this website now as my own blog!! So much i can say about so much, but i guess for now I'll just keep it sweet. For the record this is _316_YODA_ aka EA_Blade or other names EA_Blade316 EABlade316 MRBlade... ect by how you know me or did.... contact me? ok well I'm on AIM @ EABLADE316 as my prime Messager, eliteassassins@hotmail.com still works and my old ICQ # when I log in once in a full moon and MSN. Hope anyone and all who know me and read this Are doing well and I'll try to do updates. even know I've stoped my HTML code and stuff long ago.... BTW I do still goto the JRA Message board @ http://p216.ezboard.com/bjedioftherebelalliance88448 so maybe I'll catch yea their!!! Good luck all in life it's been a Blast =8o) doooood =8oP Peace Out EABlade316