Greg Slagel's Mediocore Homepage

Whoo hoo!
Just another mediocore Home Page
The best page for useless stuff
Just another         
Well, you have found it! My first page. This page doesn't really see much updating... once every year or so... but its got some cool stuff on it! So enjoy!

Download: Ummm... MP3

This is a song I created by myself, using Acid DJ and a keyboard and electric guitars. I plan to make more stuff along these lines in the future, preferably with some Gregorian chanting going on in the Background.

My Bio Page

Bands an stuff

(Not updated for a loooong time

The Good Stuff (linx)

Books that Kick

(Not updated for looong time.)

Furball Comics

This is about the most interesting part

The first volume of Greg's religion. Online!

Download: Spry Jinx

This game is Cool! Fits in your pocket, and should entertain you for hours. Well, maybe not. I like it though.

© 1998
This symbol is what you click to mail me. Use it wisely. And often.

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