The Voices
The voices, as in the voices of people, through their poems, and photos.
As I am trying to convert this page from its previous theme, I will be accpeting any poems and photo's that people want to post along with what I have posted. This site should be fully functional within a month. And all spelling errors within my lifetime. Probably right before I die I'll find the last one.....

Quote of the Update:
Humans make mistakes, and we are all human.
Links to stuff.
Poems to be saddend by.
Written by myself.
More poems By me.
Submitted Poems (to date, 0)
Pics for my Sis
Here is me.
Me and the voices
Name: Dark Preachers
All Poems are copyrighted by there respective owners as listed below:
D.K.L. = Donald Lorenzen