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Aaron's Page-o-Links
, guest number
to my page of links. These links are in alphabetical order and mostly
relate to video games (my number one hobby). In fact, except for the BONZI and TI sites,
they all relate to video games!!! Enjoy!!
Aaron's Page of HPHS Band Music
YES, WE ARE OPEN!! Come hear the music of the Highland Park High School Bands recorded live with a MiniDisc Recorder.
Back Trip Record
They have a great
selection of game soundracks for very low prices.
BONZI Software Home Page
Great site for e-mail
and internet accessories. They have an internet connection speed increasing program,
voice e-mail, and a hacker protection program. It'll cost you some money, though.
Capcom's homepage.
RPG maker Enix's homepage.
Great site for game faqs and codes.
Game Genie Code Creators Club
The name
says it all. THE site for those of you who still own a Game Genie.
Game Music Online
An equally great
selection as Back Trip, but they're more expensive. They offer reviews and a bunch
of other things that Back Trip doesn't.
Leviathan's Final Fantasy
VII Real Audio Web Page
A superb site for the complete FF7 soundtrack in RealAudio
format plus other FF7 related stuff. His site is being shut down, so hurry and download lots of stuff from his site. Maybe post it on yours (if you have one).
Mega Man Game Hints
Explanatory. Has tips on every Mega Man game ever made.
Another excellent site.
Namco's web site. What more could you ask for.
Another excellent site.
Porno Massacre!
The name may
be deciving, but this is in reality a hilariously funny FF7 fan fiction story. Really
long and you need to have at least familiarized yourself with FF6/FF3 to understand
some of the humor.
The website of the people who brought you the Donkey Kong Country series and Goldeneye.
RPGamer Fanfic - "Geode"
funny FF7 fan fiction story. Again, a familiarization with FF6/FF3 is recommended.
If you haven't played a Square game yet, you haven't truly experianced RPGs. LONG LIVE FINAL FANTASY!!!
The King Melvyl's Castle - Xenogears
The entire Xenogears soundtrack in MP3 form (and a few midis *hack*). Highly recommended. He has a few other soundtracks as well.
Videogame Music Archive
Lots of MIDI music for
almost every game created from the original NES on.
Working Designs
Working Designs: One of the only companies to add humor to a game without it being stupid or excessive (except in Lunar: Eternal Blue).
ZSNES Homepage
THE emulator page. This
page only carries the emulator and has a saved state archive. If you want games,
find 'em yourself!!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail me at
I am a newbie at web design, so I apreciate any suggestions.