Last updated: 7/04/04

I had planned trying to camp a NM I knew I wouldn't get so I'm glad I got this invite or I would have ruined my day most likely, we all meet up and Sandy and waited awhile for everyone to show up. When I realized it'd be a bit, I logged out so I could go buy some ice cream and open up Fraps so I could take screenshots. I was very suprised to find that when I returned they had saved a spot for me :). The last couple of members arrived maybe a couple of minutes later and we all meet up at stables. We decided not to take chocobos since it was such a short walk and run to Rangumount Pass on foot.

It's been a long time since I'd ran with an allience and boy, it always feels good. We all hoofed it to the pass entrence, reshuffled our parties, and went on in. Since I didn't kow my way after we reached the big door I followed Masque (Galka PLD). Unfortunatly Satsubatsu (sp?) dissconnected and after we found our way (got lost), we sat around outside waiting for him. He can back 3 times but kept losing his connection so we had to go on without him.

At long last I'd entered Xcarabard for the first time, I had my MP3's playing so I couldn't here the music that people said was so great but that was okay. I also had weather effects turned off since my computer is so crapy, I'll have to run back one of these days and check it out. We proceded right to the first NM with little trouble. The monster it's self went down pretty easy even though most people just kept missing the thing. After it died, I quickly ran to the back of the cave as instructed, clicked on the ???, and hightailed it out of there. After a minute of "Did everyone get it?", we found out that Athera (THF) hadn't so we had to fight it all over again. Nobody died so it was no big deal.

Since most people didn't have there teleport Vahlz crystals (myself included), we made a pit stop there before continuing on our way. We bumped into a Shadow Dragon a killed it, it dropped 117 gil which is kinda impressive since the money it split 17 ways, be nice to solo those things :). We ran a little further then we realized our DRG Railed had disconnected, we waited and bit and he returned pretty quickly, Cothar I believe, wanted to take a group photo so we all grouped up and got to it. Not sure if I got everyone in this pic cuz' I went through a few photos before I got one with most everyone faceing the camera.

With that done we moved on to our final test. The last NM was very tough. We had plenty of healing power so nobody died but his attacks were hitting multiple people so hard I was afriad someone was gonna drop. Our 61 DRK Fubar, got pretty close to dying but managed to hold on. When the beast was finally dropped, eveyone got their stuff, ran out and celebrated. All in all I'd have to say Genkai 2 was very easy. Which is a releif after how annoying the first one was. I ran back to Maat in Jeuno and raised my limit to 60 (Now I just have to get there...). I got into another party shortly after returning but it wasn't anything to write about. Got about 4k off the party in the Boyahda Tree, ran to Pashbow Marshlands to farm, and called it a night. I'll probably end up farming for awhile cuz' I realized now that I'm 54 there are 3 more rings and earrings I should be wearing, and I need to get some funds for my royal knight gear when I level, joy.