How can I start this?. Hello my name is Chester Ray Smith but, I like to go by Chet as my nickname that I made up for myself. I was Born in Livermore, California in the Year 1958. I lived there till I was thirteen years old. My Father passed away April 2,1967 which really turned my Mother and I lives "Bad". I would have turned nine years old the 16th of July that same year. After my Father passed away my Mother got me into Bowling to keep me occupied and out of trouble. Thats what I think anyway!!!. *LOL*
My Bowling Career
Actually it was a whole year after losing my Father. I got started in the Summer of 1968. I began then with a rental pair of shoes and a house bowling ball. I even remember my first game being a score of 88 pins knocked down in a whole game. I jumped for joy when I got my first strike. It was a sloppy one to, they barely fell down. But it looks the same on the score sheet. Where the X marks in the square box is all that counts. I had a bunch of people watching me after a few weeks. I was getting pretty darn good after awhile. After two years, I was knocking them down dead. I bowled a 223 Game when I was 12 years old. After bowling that high game. I was asked to take a picture standing by a washer and dryer set. They put that picture in the newspaper and it said in the article, that I had a chance to win that set if I bowled one hundred pins over my average. I think my average was at that time 138. I didn't get it done so I lost out on winning them. Well just in a matter of four years I had earned five hundred dollars and have six trophies still sitting on my home entertainment center at home. I lost some trophies in moving from place to place which was a bummer. I bowled a total of 17 years. I have fourteen trophies that I am very proud of. My highest game is a 254 in the year just before getting paralyzed!!!. My Best Average I carried was a 192.
  Yes I have more to say. Are you surprise!!!. I move around quite a bit. I went from Livermore to Spring Town which it was only three miles from Livermore. Out there I learned how to play some Real Golf!!. It was part of living out there cause, the housing project was built around and through the Golf Course. I got to play anytime after school and on the weekends. I never could do worth a darn though. Everytime I hit the ball it would go left or it would go right never straight. After a year went by I moved to the Bay Area. I live in a City called Hayward. Well there I got on a Bowling League again. I lived there a year, I won three trophies in that League. Then I moved to Salem, Oregon till I was 17 yrs.old. I learned how to roller skate and even went to a speed skating tournament in Portland, Oregon. Wasn't any good at that either. Got banged up and burned elbows doing that . Then moved to where I am at now which is Northern, California.