I have been sitting on a couple sketches (two from notes), but I didn't feel it was big enough for an update. I finally sat down and actually drew about a week ago and I was pleased with the results. I meant to put it up sooner, but I just never got around to it... :| So check out the New Sketches section for the three new pics. Since the update wasn't too big, I left the existing pics there.


   -7:30pm 11/22/03

Well, I haven't made any updates on the site for quite a while, my bad. :| I've been back at school for about 2 weeks now and I've been too busy / not in the mood to update in a while, but I finally sat down and took about 2-3 hours to update it. Heres whats new:
  1. Moved sketches from the New section to Old, since they've been there a while.
  2. Added a bundle of new pics to the New Sketches section. Hope you like them. :)
Okay, it doesn't seem like a lot, but it took me longer than I though it would... And on my to do list is to split up the News page so its not as rediculously long as it is now... That'll come later tho.

Anyways, enjoy!

   -3:20pm 9/6/03

Okay, I've been back for a little while now, actually, since Saturday, but I haven't been in the mood to update. I have some sketches I drew from over vacation scanned, but I don't trust this scanner, I'm going to wait till I'm back at college with my scanner hooked up and rescan them before I actually put them into the sketches section. If you're terribly interested and can't wait, you can download (link removed) the zip (337kb). This doesn't mean I didn't update at all tho! :)
  1. I actually did update the story section with another one I remembered. It happened quite a long time ago (when Krynthos was level 24, as opposed to 37 I left him at), so its not like it just happened. You can find it in the story section.
And I'm out!

   -11:41pm 8/20/03

<Insert 2 week vacation here>

I'll be back after 2 weeks, hopefully with an update or two. Latah!

   -11:42pm 8/1/03

Made a few minor changes to the site, but nothing major. Here it goes:
  1. Added the first daoc screenshot. Its what someone offered to trade to me for Alindra after the defense fixes and end regen...
  2. Added Chooch's site to my daoc links. I have a feeling I'll be going there more frequently...
  3. Fixed a link, daoc catacombs will now link to daoc catacombs rather than the camelot vault. Whoops!
  4. Made several bug fixes to uploading this update. It looked so harmless! Word of the wise, never ever, belittle simple tasks. :|

Okay, thats it for now... Whee!

   -12:24am 8/1/03

I have a couple updates this time, hope they're satisfactory. :X
  1. Made 6 daoc wallpapers from screenshots I've taken, or others have taken, and put them in the daoc screenshot section.
  2. Added a cheesy little intro to the daoc section. Just describes the game for people who don't know and stuff.
  3. Now clicking on character names from daoc stories will link you to a description of that character in the daoc character page.
  4. There are now links in the misc section.
And thats pretty much it for now. Enjoy!

   -2:14pm 7/27/03

Got enough content to launch I think. This could prove to be a great folly on my part tho... lets hope not. :|

   -2:39pm 7/24/03

Added all the stories I could think of to the daoc/story section...

   -2:07am 7/24/03

I'm skilled. Forgot to add another one of my daoc characters. Added Shiinna to the list...

   -10:48am 7/23/03

Pretty much finished up the entire Sketches section. Now I have to do the Daoc Stories and Big Hits / Screenshot sections. Then figure out what I wanna do with the D2 and Misc sections. And maybe fill in the About section... Theres more work to be done than I thought! :(

   -10:00am 7/23/03

Made a TON of progress in the daoc / characters section. Pretty much completely done actually. I still need to do the story and big hits section. I'm thinking about making big hits just a subsection of daoc screenshots... hmm... the possibilities...

   -1:48am 7/22/03

Most of the sub-sections are pretty much fleshed out, I just need to add conent and junk. After that, I get to post the whole site! Yaay!

   -6:14pm 7/21/03

Images in a seperate directory now. It wasn't quite as painful as I thought it would be... Now I just need to think up a website, setup the main and submenu templates and I'm ready to start adding content... Freaky!

   -2:40am 7/19/03

Okay, just got back from a 7 hour random computer away time. Stylized the edges of the title bar on the right, added a temporary site name of "SITE NAME HERE". Exciting huh?

I like how this template is coming together. What I dread to do is moving all the images into a seperate folder. Thats going to be a pain in the butt, not to mention the whole making the 'code' look ugly. Ungh... What we do to make sites look good / organized. :\

Ahh well. I'll work on it more later...

   -2:23am 7/19/03

All wave a final fair-well to the infamous blue bar over head. Its gone into the idea graveyard in the sky...

In other news I think the new layout is gonna rock... just like PhotoShop. ;)

   -4:58pm 7/18/03

Okay, menu looks all pretty now. All thats left is the evil blue line of death... ¬_¬

   -4:18pm 7/18/03

After about 3 different PSD files, and about 12 varients, I have finally gotten the logo done! Yay me. Now its time for the menu and blue bars. Hmm...

   -3:34pm 7/18/03

Just finished making the nice border for this frame, isn't it nice? :P

Anyways, I'm still plotting on how I can make the rest of the site all pretty and what-not before releasing it's beauty to the public. Mwahahah! Victory shall be mine! Ahem...

I think I'm going to go get some sleep now or do some random nonsense until I decide to get some sleep. Then I'll get up and do some more work on the site and make it look all uber and what-not. Tomorrow my plans for world domination will continue... you cannot stop me! Ahahahahaahahh!! Zzzzzz...

   -12:02am 7/18/03

Random text and junk goes here!




Man that stuffs obnoxious. Note to self: No more crazy repeated <br> tags...

   -8:24pm 7/17/03