This page is completely fucked. In fact, your computer is probably broken.

The page you are looking for is seriously fucked up and is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may have to re-install your operating system. In which case, too bad.

Please try the following:

  • Click the Back button, or fill your CD-ROM drawer tray with jam. This really works.
  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, please go away and learn to spell correctly before returning.
  • To check your connection status, don't unplug your PC and insert a screwdriver into the mains socket. A connection status would immediately become apparent.
  • If you like, Microsoft can examine your PC and send details of all the pornography you have downloaded to the FBI. If you would like Microsoft to ruin your life, click Yes! I want Microsoft to search my hard drive for porno!
  • Some sites you visit require Microsoft's authorization. Click the Windows menu and then click Let me view boobies! to uninstall this feature.
  • If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure you are not running Windows. Click the My Computer menu, and then right click Drive C:. On the Menu select This sucks: Please replace current operating system with Linux. And don't ask me again.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Or maybe you've broken the Internet.