I don't have time anymore, at least for the near future, to update this page. I am very sorry to all who visit this page, but I am too occupied with homework at the moment.
This is the Lords of Magic: desecration page.
For every LOM gamer out there, this site contains tips, hints, and strategies for LOM, a page
telling of some of the bugs(problems and cheats), cheat files such as trainers, BMP images, and
a new links page and updates page. To go to another page, use the drop-down box
below and select where you want to go.
Any suggestions, input, or new info is definitely welcome.
E-mail me.
Go here to download the new version of the LOM DOS Editor for v2.0
If anyone sent me any email lately(past few weeks) sorry for the delay but I've been very busy
these last few weeks. Expect to here from me shortly, though.
News and Notes -additions |
If anyone wants to send me maps, I'll probably start a maps page.
E-mail them to me(the link's on the bottom). I've been creating some of my own, though they won't be out
for awhile.
Get the LOM demo
for those of you who want to try out the game. It's a large file- 17 megs, but it's worth it. The demo allows you to do some basic
things such as fighting and exploring, to get a feel for the game.
Download the new v2.0 patch from Sierra- just go to LOM, then click on the link for downloading the
new patch. It fixes just about everything, and certainly greatly improves
this VERY buggy game. You can also download the v1.02 and v1.03 here.
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Copyright Kevin Gao, 1997-98. All rights reserved.