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your number one resource for SF news,
information and artwork, old and new.

  Weekly Poll 

Are you excited about CvsSNK 2?
Hell yeah! Bring it on!
It looks good. I'll play it.
Nothing we haven't seen before....
Yawn. Come back with something new, Capcom.

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Winamp skins






Well it's been nice hanging around for so long, but I'm afraid that as of today there will little to no more updates for Street Fighter Grand Archive. Like last time, the site and forums will stay up for archival purposes. Thanks to all the people who have helped and contributed over the past months, and to all of you for visiting.

So that's it. If you're still chasing for more, please check out the many fine sites in the Affiliates list to the left or in the links section. Game Over. Thanks for playing.


  Alpha 2 PC extras


Before I forget, a few weeks ago Steve Copley kindly sent me a package of Street Fighter Alpha 2 goodies including mini-games, icons and screensavers. - three mini games for PC in Japanese, but pretty self-explanatory. - a few miscellaneous images from Alpha 2 and Puzzle Fighter, and some cool Alpha 2 icons. / - Alpha 2 screensavers. Identical to the ones previously available at Negative Edge. Unzip the two files into your windows/system directory.

  Final Fanart


Cruise over to the Fanstuff section for some last minute fanart by Nakatonine9.

  Capcom vs. SNK 2 overload


Augh! Capcom always releases news and pics when I'm at my busiest. Check out the News Section for lots of new stuff on Capcom vs. SNK 2, including hidden characters and links to previews and screenshots.

  Ready for one more round of Hadoukens?


Capcom seems to have put a little more effort than usual into Capcom vs. SNK 2. Are you excited about their latest game, or are they pushing the formula (once again) too far? Vote now, in this week's poll. Last week's results reveal you mostly favour Guile over Charlie. Figures.

  CvsSNK 2 E3 Preview at


James Chen has posted a great preview of his experience with the upcoming Capcom vs. SNK 2 at E3 2001. Things are looking up, with lots of new characters, features, and the return of six buttons! Check out the News Section for more.

  Fresh Fanart


New contributions by Verryadi, Brennan Bradford and first time posters Kin and Negron's await your perusal in the Fanstuff section. Oh, and if you like someone's work feel free to mail them and tell them they're doing a good job.

  CvsSNK 2 and Super SFII Turbo Revival at E3


Capcom's latest two games with Ryu somewhere in them will appear at the E3 2001 gaming convention. More info in the News Section.

  Super Puzzle Fighter II X for DreamCast!


Fans of the tetris-like Super Puzzle Fighter II X will be glad to know Capcom are planning a release for Dreamcast, compatible with the Matching Service. Check out the News Section for more.

  Capcom vs. SNK PRO limited edition


Capcom is offering a special limited edition of Capcom vs. SNK PRO for those who buy it through Dreamcast-Direct. That's a limited edition of an update to a game. Check out the News Section for the details.

Running late? Check the Update Archive


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