Here's some pictures of us at the convention, along with screenshots of the characters from the anime Bleach that we went as.
But first, a picture of my shoes! They held up very well considering all the abuse they went through, even more so since they were only held together by wood glue!
From Bleach, here's pics of Urahara, another view, Ururu, and Urahara's posse (from left: Ururu, Tessai, and Jinta).
Here we have Jaz (as Ururu), me (as Urahara), and another couple from Bleach
This is from the Bleach shoot, where EVERYONE was from Bleach. It's Jaz, myself, and another guy (as Tessai)
The restaurant in the hotel was called Shenanigans, and they had a familiar duo standing in front, so here's Jaz, me, and mystery guests...
That's it for now! Enjoy!