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WARNING ye Sneaky Git.  This page is under reconstruction to accomodate new GAMES WORKSHOP changes.  Ye may want to BUGGER off and come back later.........
Welcome to Saruman the Great's Homepage!
Oh, the joys of cyberspace.  I can contemplate Occult secrets and conquer the known universe without worrying about a Nazgul popping up on the doorstep asking about some silly hobbit and a golden ring!  The rent is also cheaper than Isengard and its not nearly as drafty on these old bones!

Now, don't think I've become a total pacifist in my old age!  But now I conquer the known (and unknown) universe in the privacy of my own living room via the median known as wargaming.  I've become quite addicted to a company called Games Workshop and you will seeseveral examples of armies that I have used in my battles against vile and disgusting enemies.

I will also reveal a little bit more about my interests for my fellow iconclasts out there!
Sample Warhammer 40K Armies
Chaos Dwarfs Additions
Chaos Marauder Army List!!!!
Sample Warhammer Armies
Squats in WH40K 3rd Edition
In addition to the table-top, fantasy and sci-fi genre represented above, I also enjoy historical boardgaming.  Begun in the 1950's by Charles Roberts of the Avalon Hill Game Company, this is a beloved hobby for those who are fascinated by military history.  Sadly in decline compared to other aspects of the hobby (computer games and CCG's, for example), I hope others are willing to try this fascinating aspect of our hobby.  Indeed, many of the fanatasy designers such as Jervis Johnson (GW) and Gary Gygax (TSR) were also historical gamers.

Some of my favorite games are Civilization and the Russian Campaign (both by Avalon Hill), Battle for Germany (SPI), the Great Battles of History series (GMT) and the Great War at Sea series (Avalanche Press).  Below are a few links to enable you to explore the hobby further.
Avalanche Press
Games Workshop
Web Grognards
The following is for Iconoclasts and free thinkers only.  If you are a member of humanities "Herd" or a slave to the Messianic tradition, do yourself a favor...don't look!  Otherwise, "and now for something completely different..."
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here
Workers of the World, unite!
As you may have digested so far, aside from the "philosophy" I just threw at you...I love military boardgames and the history they represent.  Military History, or "Trumpet and Drums" history as it is sometimes called, has took a beating in recent years from "bleeding heart" types.  Regardless of revisionism, military history has seen some of humanities most noble (and ignoble) endeavors.  Any gamer worth his salt SHOULD know the history behind his game.  And yes, even fantasy has an associated history.  Ever recognize the link between the Empire in the Warhammer World and Renaissance Germany in our own?  The following two links will get you started in two of my favorite areas, both ancestral to one degree or another.
All Roads Lead to Rome
Scotland the Brave
The End of it All

This is how many Sneaky Gits have been here before!
This page is soley owned by the crazed entity which is me, and is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop (a good thing!)
Want to talk about the hobby?  Drop me a line..

      Chaos Dwarf@