
Welcome to the Frostbite Productions homepage. On this page, I have included tips for KNP/TGF/C&C links to a few (hundred) Klik & Play/TGF/C&C games, some of my favourite MOD and MID files, some of my pictures I have created/taken, and more. Heaps of new stuff is coming soon.

Click on the headings to download/see whatever it is.


These are some of my favourite pictures. They are stored in JPG format for quick downloading.


If you want games made with The Games Factory, Klik And Play and Click and Create, you should go to Silky's KNP page. Also, The Rikus Kras Homepage is a good one.


Midi is a way of storing musical notes onto a computer. Midi files are generally smaller than MODs, but they don't sound as good. I have 1100 midi files, so if you want some more, e-mail me. I have included 30 MIDs here.


MOD is another way of storing music onto the computer. These are much better than MIDI files, as you can record any sample into it, eg. words. The only problem is that they take a lot of hard disk space and are memory-hungry. I like them better than MIDIs, though. You must have a MOD player, eg. MOD4WIN. I have about 650 MODs. If you want more than are here, e-mail me. I have included 10 of my best here.


These are some MONTY PYTHON scripts, which I think are VERY funny. If you enjoy the scripts, you should watch the movies. They are even funnier.


Some good tips for Klik & Play/TGF/C&C that I've made/stolen/heard of.


Silky's KNP page, a huge library of KNP games.

Go Here ---> The Rikus Kras Homepage, a site full of reviews, cheats and more.

The Kook's Museum, a really wierd page.

The Hyperactive Page, a page with cheats, reviews, etc.



 If you want to comment on this page, get some more MODs/MIDs, or anything, E-MAIL me.