NerdFest! is when a bunch of computer geeks get together and be Nerds! We go over to someone's house and set up a little network with our cheap network cards and play multiplayer games for a night. Usually about fifteen people show up, all high-schoolers, which is pretty good for a small town. And you can't forget the wonderous Mountain Dew! All in all, they're a blast! I bet you wish you could come! If you write me, maybe I'll let you. other NerdFest Sites! - we got 6 of them now!
WidPuppy's NerdFest Page!...With NerdFest Java Chat!
Wayne Honaker's NerdFest! Page - Cool!
Popio's Giflink BBS/NerdFest! Page!
Nerd's have visited me!
This site recieved the Official Wayne Honaker Seal of Approval!
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