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- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XI

Email any questions to ICQ me for faster reply. My UIN: 9961293.
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This page is link free so if you want to link to my site plz use the image below.

Updated By Chocobo in June 9,2000

Sorry people. This is the former owner Chocobo. Recently I had come back and look at this site... but the owner of this site is slacking off now.... so I decide I would rather to CLOSE this site instead of making people come in and find nothin that they want..... I really enjoy making this site and I had meet alot of great friends.. Thx for all of your supporting in the past...seriously.......*sniff* *sniff* I really enjoy the old days when people comes in and give comment or get help.... but I have to study now..... works, university and .....there is a lot of reason why I can't work on this site... so Plz understand and at last Thx again for the supporting when I need it and thx to all of my site's affiliates. I think that's all... Bye *-* If anyone want to contact me. My info is still in this page.......
Cya all . Take care.

Chocobo a.k.a. Owen Lee

Updated By Squall in May 6,2000

Hey people. Well i added a Guide to beating Omega Weapon and now i will start working on a page towards FF7 and alos making a page towards the Final Fantasy Movie. So be exspecting that soon.

Updated By Squall in April 25,2000

Hey people i'm back.I finally got my new computer which is much faster,well now i got alot to update seeing i have been here for awhile so during the week expect more updates on certain section's.

Updated By Squall in April 2,2000

So sorry people for not updating for awhile my computer went down and i had to get fixed so i wont be able to put up that new layout. So for the next week i might have to be updating at my friends house which i am doing right now and at school, so don't worry i am still here my site has not gone down or anything like that. I will be putting up the Final Fantasy 7 Section up soon and i will be making Guide's on beating Omega Weapon and Ultima Weapon. So keep on coming.

Updated By Squall in March 27,2000

Hey People. Sorry for not updating for awhile i had got an E-mail from the owner of FFDream saying that i had copy his site which i did not but the former owner of the site had so i have to change the layout of the page so there might not be any updates for awhile. Now if you have any questions or want to suggest a new layout for this page i would be happy enough to try out your idea, so contact me at Squall.

Updated By Squall in March 20 ,2000

Hey people. Not big update just change some stuff in FF8 Characters Section. I will also be adding two new games to the games section which would be FF7 & FF6 so be expecting that in the week,and i will try to find out some more info on the new Final Fantasy Movie, so keep on watching the news.

Updated By Squall in March 18 ,2000

Hello well i am the new guy who will be runing the site from now on my name is Squall and if you have any suggestion on adding anything new to the site or just want to see that would look good on the site E-mail and i will be happy enough to put your idea on this site.

Previous News

Do you think it is a good thing that FF XI is for online only?



->Enemies List (Text Version) ->Eyes On me lyrics and eng FF8 disc images
->Guestbook added
->wohoo FF8 GF page had finally finished
->News about FF8 debug code
->New release date for FF8 in Europe

Click here to see the link page.

FF8 US: Sept 9, 1999
FF8 UK: October 27, 1999
FF8 PC: January 25, 1999
FFAnthology: Oct 13
FF9 Jap: Summer 2000
FF10 Jap: Spring 2001
Chrono Trigger(PS): Nov 2, 1999
Chrono Cross Jap: Nov 18, 1999


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Final Fantasy World By Chocobo , 2000.
All pictures about Final Fantasy Series are all from the maker of it. A.k.a. Squaresoft.
All the add on pictures are using the original FF pics and they are almost all made by me. Please ask before using. Also note that this page was created by "Chocobo" so all the stuff on this site he has creatid belongs to him.