CSS functionality missing: This site will appear closer to the author's intent in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. If you can read this, CSS (style sheets) is essentially disabled on this page, thus degrading the presentation but not losing any content. That's due to either the CSS file being unavailable from the server, your browser failing to understand it, or viewing in a medium besides a browser screen.
If this page is displayed in a frame, which should happen only when the Geocities/Yahoo server puts them there and not because some other site is displaying my content, please reload this page to bust out of them.
While there is information about a few other topics,
this site's current primary purpose is to be a repository for Pete's
games assistance information.
Choose from:
HINT: Pete's stuff is where the action is on this site.
And if we aren't the Karsanow people you were looking for, there's a good chance you want my brother and his family, or my father and his wife. Contact me and I'll put you in touch with them. Altogether, we're the only people with the Karsanow surname that I know; if there are others, I'd like to know who!
Regina still likes San Diego,
but we're now as close as we can get without changing jobs again.
Please send us e-mail if you have a comment. This site can get much better if you let me know what's holding it back. Otherwise, you get what works for Pete… Some problems, I won't know about unless you tell me!
In case you can't see it above as a link, the e-mail address is <p.karsanow@sbcglobal.net>.
Site author is Peter Karsanow.
Pages and files developed and maintained using the Microsoft Notepad and WordPad text editors, Word 6.0 and 97, Excel 97, Access 97 and 2000, Paint and Image Editor, and Briefcase.
XHTML 1.0 conversion and some global maintenance done with ParkeNet HTML Editor, which seems to be back after a hiatus.
Site checked on
Netscape 6.2.3 and 4.7.6 (deprecated)
Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.0.2800.1106) and 5.5 (5.50.487.2300CO) (deprecated) web browsers,
but I'll try to keep fancy HTML stuff to a minimum.
Site is XHTML 1.0 Transitional with CSS style sheets and minimal JavaScript 1.3. Tables are used, but no frames.
Site validated as
XHTML 1.0 Transitional on 01 January 2003 and individual pages when updated except for code appended by Geocities/Yahoo servers that isn't under my control, and some strange stuff on my browser testing page.
At least 640*480 and 256 colors recommended. 800*600 by 16 bits preferred. WebTV detected and warned about pages with wide tables or images.
A MIDI player would be nice too. I've written code that uses an OBJECT tag with no explicit specification of the MIDI player to use, so it should work for any player that provides a default height and width for itself. If you've got no player, or no browser support for OBJECT, it should fall through to a simple link to the MIDI data file. There's some cases where that doesn't work; but for Netscape 4.7.6 it isn't worth the effort.
Most images and all MIDI music on this site were purloined from other WWW sites in the belief or knowledge that those files were free for personal use. Some images were obtained from other sites with the permission of the site owners, some I made myself. JavaScript scripts and CSS styles have credit to the source embedded, if I didn't figure them out by myself.
All downloadable text, ZIP archive, XHTML and CSS files on this site are the intellectual property of
Peter Karsanow (and/or others if noted in the file), but are free to all for personal use only unless noted otherwise. Copyright © Peter Karsanow 1997–2005 unless otherwise noted. You are REQUIRED to notify me if you post a copy of one of my files on your site, and you MUST retain the whole file intact including any contact information. This could also waste less time when people email me "I can't download PiratedGame from your site!", or if they complain about an old version of one of my FAQs that I've already fixed, and I initially have no clue what they're on about.
Trademarks, brand names, or copyrighted works (including characters and situations) referred to on this site are not necessarily endorsed by the author, and no infringement is intended. Please notify me if, as a copyright or trademark owner, you wish references removed or altered. No profit or income is being made from the stories/documents/files found on this website.
Special thanks to Richard Jowsey for his résumé page, which inspired some changes to this site.
Apologies and thanks to those whose GIF files I copied, or source code that I viewed, in the process of building this site, if I haven't given you credit already.
Counter says: hits on this page since initialization.
By Peter Karsanow
Above on this page for overall site and copyright information.