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Finally! I have finished high school and I am awaiting the results of my exams. Since I have more free time, game reviews and like will be finally posted in my gaming warehouse and my gaming reviews pages. I know the ICQ panel has been down for some time, but ICQ vers. 3.4 for some reason is not compatible with MacOs 9.2.2 I have a Power Mac G4 Quicksilver running at the stock 733MHz. I plan to upgrade several components inside the machine for better gaming and operation. I also plan on building my own gaming PC. However, that project is at a stand still due to the upgrade of the Macintosh.

Questions?, Comments?, not only can you e-mail me, you can also page me with the ICQ communication panel. If you are lucky I might answer you on the spot.



Gamers' Association of Trinidad & Tobago

Macintosh Gaming Files 

G4 Tech TV's X-play

My Gaming Warehouse

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