The Ancient Mystics


The Ancient Mystics is a guild for low level players in Blizzard Entertainment's most excellent new roleplaying game, Diablo.

The guild is based on a system of morals, any member of this guild must be honest and fair. Player killers and thieves will not be tolerated, and will be promptly ejected from the guild and hunted down.

Myself, being rejected from several guilds for being too low in level, have decided to form a guild for low level players of levels 1, 2, and 3. The guild will help the players grow and develop into powerful and just role models for other players in Diablo. We will help the initiates by guiding them through the dungeons, and in most cases, outfitting them in armor.

If you are a player of level 1, 2, or 3, and think that this guild would be right for you, please submit a message to us, and let us know. We accept anyone who is willing to be honest, helpful, and faithful to the guild.

You may submit your application to Neuroflame or The Crow.

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