WELCOME ALL!!! You've reached the new, although not that new, website of Curtis Sund. Kick back and enjoy your stay, you've reached my party house on the web! Please tell me what you think about the music and my page logo!!! They are the newest editions to my site. Email me or just sign the guestbook. It's not the most exciting web page yet, BUT IT WILL BE!!! If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please do tell! A special welcome to all friends and Gamers out there who are here to see the site. I hope my links will help you in your quest. You are the:
person to visit my house since December 5, 1996!
I'm sorry I haven't done much here lately. I've been so busy with other web site tasks. I will try to get things moving as quick as possible once again.
In addition to the above, I'm also known as SüñTzü@ÇD to all those Kali fanatics out there. The practice times are up for Creeping Death!!! Go to my Warcraft 2 room now!!
Please look at my new SunTzu Edition!!! It is entitled the "Art of War" Gallery and it can be applied to any combat strategy game out there. But for all those Warcraft 2 strategists out there, this will SIGNIFICANTLY help you! Where else to go, then to the wisest strategist who ever lived! Don't shrug this off, SunTzu is still used by todays top military strategists. We sometimes forget the easiests and most complicated ideas. This manual will bring you to a higher level of strategy crafting. It is a must!!!
![]() Ahhhh, my favorite computer game |
![]() This is the BEST clan on Kali! |
The Sublime Nirvana
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Please visit myPostings Page (Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis) and sign it!!!
Please feel free to send all comments and SUGGESTIONS (really appreciate) to me at the below email address.
© 1997 00225399@bigred.unl.edu
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