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Daggerfall is a wicked game! Looking and setup like doom (first person similar grafix, polygons) you wander through towns doing whatever your character type is, like robbing houses and stores, pick-pocketing, killing people for the fun of it, and making money and having fun while doing it! There are thousands of combinations of the race of person, what their skills are, the weapons they use, their gender, and even their looks. You can get thrown in prison, if you get caught, break into stores and sell the stuff back to the owner in the morning, like wagons carts horses, ships and get lots of money. You can wander around and kill wild animals but breaking into peoples houses are the most fun, cleaning out every dime the owner has, by picking the lock or plain smashing the door off its hinges. This game has cool grafics and is sort of slow on a computer with only 75 mhz and 8 ram as a minimum, but flying on a pentium 133 and 16 ram (go figure) But 75mhz and 24 ram fixes the slurring.
Sitting on a rooftop you can get a nice view of this tree, and drop in on the battle ready really-mad-like guards below. (i like to do something non-legal, like give some guy a disembowling and sit on a houses patio, duck, look down and pick-pocket the guards. This is a good way to get bat nads, cat hair, pictures of peoples moms and other odd things these guards carry around with them. Then break into the house an kill the guards that come in after me.)
This is your map, ask people and guards where a building is located and if they know they will mark it for you here. Read the color key at the bottom
This is what you can do when you talk to a person. this lady is in the same guild as i am.
This is the part of the world your in. ( in the game ) :) ________________________________________________________________________
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