This is my little tiny website on geocities. I first made it back in 1995, long before they were bought out by Yahoo. Now, I've got my own websites that I pay good money to host and keep the domains registered. You can find them here at and here at I hold on to this space because 'lazaruslong.geo' is still an e-mail address I use actively, plus it's a sentimental thing, and on top of all of that, I managed to get one of the last available 'lazaruslong' addresses on a widely-known public-access network, and Yahoo! will get it back when they pry my cold, dead fingers from it.

Well, okay, maybe that's a little harsh. But still. I want to hold on to this little tiny sliver of space because it has sentimental value, but if you really want to know about me, visit one of my websites, or you can send me an IM to this address in YIM or MSN messenger.

And if you need a little free web space to create a fun little website in, this is a great place to do it.

See you soon!
John Henry DeJong