Hi there, this is just a start...things will go up soon...
Welcome....This is just a start so bare with me. I hope that I can make a great page soon.
I will no longer going to update Egg Venture. Cause I don't have the interest anymore..and I don't have access to a machine nearby. If there are any fixes...e-mail me and I'll fix it.
If you want info about your city, Click here Citysearch is a good place to start (selected cities).
Links to other sites on the Web
Locations on where to play your favorite classic games
European travel with Rick Steves. Has guide books, tips for smart travel and more. Check it out
Portland State University Web Site
Gov't site for radio info.
Video Game Archive. You can find other stuff as well..
MAME emulator stuff for classic games, plus emulators for other games.
Coming soon, FAQ's for various stuff. If you want gameshark codes, then go here *OR* click here.
It's slow around right now..I may concentrate on some games. Not many to speak right now. maybe later..
Click Here to The Relam of Mortal Kombat
Tekken stuff (Arcade/PSX). from Catlord.
I'm going to do some FAQ's on certain games, links to other sites, etc. so bare with me...I may do it in my spare time.
Again, if anybody have suggestions to improve this page, please let me know.
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