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These pages are going to be used to display anything about Warhammer 40000 that I might think people out there might be interested in.

Space Marines.

Space Marines are the elite human warriors of this universe. I don't play any particular chapter but have played all the official one as well as various one I've created and some I've found on the net. This is done because once you've learnt how to use the various squads, their strengths and weaknesses, it is fun to change what you are allowed to take and what your opponent is expecting.

I don't paint my marines in the correct colours for any chapter. All my marines have the basic colours of the bottom half, Dark Angle green, and top half, Ultramarine Blue. This was chosen years ago and I haven't changed since then.

Here are some of the chapters I've created:

Links and History of the Space Bears Marine Chapter.

Links and History of the Black Hydra's Marine Chapter.


I Play Genestealers because I always thought it was a fun army to play with. As time went on I've collected various models and made rules up so I could use them. Genestealer cult armies should be made up of anything the civilians can get hold of to use. Hence, Here are some of the rules I've made:

Links and History for my Squat Genestealer army.

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