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Current League News will be located on this page from now on.
Scroll down to see the news for june 26.
Fate of the League
Many questions are being raised about the direction the League is heading. All answers point down. The League the way it is set up now is in no way coherant to XvT and should be a League designed for the Upcoming game Rebellion. I'm not coming to this descision Lightly. I've thought long and hard about how to save the League and I keep returning to the same answer. It can't be saved. Not in its'current state. Not the way its' being maintained. Not the way its' setup. That's why as of June 27th the current League of Legends will end.
The League, the way it is now, was designed for a game of incredible technology and sophistication that only top of the line machines could run. In the past Lucas Limited Industries has gone beyond the bounds of technology and created outstanding Movies, Games, and Merchandise. XvT was designed and built as a Multiplayer game by Lucas Arts and Totally Games. After being delayed in release several times gamers took this as a sign of improvements being added to the game. The longer the release date was delayed the more peoples Imaginations grew and the greater a game they thought was going to be released. Everyone saw this game through a true Star Wars Fans eyes. They saw a game of complete freedom to cruise the Star Wars universe and to interact with it's inhabitants. In doing this they never thought to look at this game through the eyes of the programmers and developers of this game. They, wanting more than anyone to create a game of such caliber, had to face facts that the technology was not, could not support a game of such extremes. Doing the best they could they developed a multiplayer game, trying to make it as user friendly as possible, but that took time. The time that would have been used to create outstanding story lines and excellent cutscenes. The eager gamers never talked of the story line or cutscenes before its' release. They were all to eager for multiplayer. It never occured to them that they would gain multiplayer at the cost of losing the cutscenes and storyline. Only now do they realize they need sorylines and cutscenes. Perhaps the expansion to XvT will provide us with those two simple key elements, taking us one step closer to every true Star Wars fans dream. The ultimate game. XvT, Jedi Knight, and Rebellion combined into one and then improved. This is the game the League of Legends was designed for. This is why the League must be shut down for now.
The League of Legends will never die. As of June 27th, 1997, the League of Legends will begin to be rebuilt from ground up. The original Campaign will not be erased, though. It will be saved in hopes that one day the Ultimate Game is created. When it is the League of Legends will be ready to answer the Gamers call for game play with a Campaign specifically designed for it. As for now, though, a new campaign will be formed to be completely interactive with XvT as it is now. Hopefully the NEW League of Legends will be operational by the time the expansion for XvT is released. Only the Force can know for sure.
Many thanx to all current members, former members, and anyone else who contributed to keeping the League going this long.
Until the New League is reformed May the Force Be Wth You All. __Cmdr.Skywalker
Check back every 3 to 4 weeks for the Intro Of the new League of Legends.
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