Hello, Welcome to...

Clay & Stacy's Homepage

Hello and welcome to our homepage. Our homepage was made mainly for friends and family (so to others it might be boring to anyone else), it is just a few pictures of us and some links. If you would like, you can page me and see if we are online by clicking the button below (try it, it's fun).
Page Clay
We hope you enjoy your visit to our page and please don't forget to
sign our guest book


Check out this link, it is a really great start page for your browser.
Keeps track of your mutual funds to the penny, keeps all your favorite links, checks weather for any location,
a T.V. guide & has a great reminder option. It's free and I recomend it to everone.

Links to other sites on the Web

Radio via the net
Chad Gruber's Webpage
Mark Seever's Webpage
Check our local weather
Map Quest
Air Force Personnel Center
Sub Space

Want your own free web page?
Here is everything you need to start one and up keep it.

1. Pick one of these free web sights.
|| Geocities | Tripod | Trailer Park | AngelFire ||

2. Then get some of your HTML questions answered with these links.
|| HTML Link #1 | HTML Link #2 ||

3. Next, add some free animation, buttons and lines with these links.
|| Andy's | Silly-girl's ||

4. Finally when you have your page just like you want it,
insert your web address bellow and tune it up with this link.
Tune Up Your Web Site Free:

Some of our favorite weather sights

Click for Edwards, California Forecast Click for Topanga, California Forecast
To SEE the Weather Santa Monica or Venice click on the
Santa Monica Pier Cam or the Venice Beach Cam.

Here are some great chat programs everyone should have.

Great Software Good Software Mirc

No reason why everyone should not have an email address.

Free Email Free Email


Bigfoot is a cool free service that will forward your email to ANY email address you want. It is good for
people that might have to change their email address a lot. It allows you to keep one email address
for ever. For example, our email is holbrooks@bigfoot.com and it will send any email sent to that
address to our local ISP email account no matter where we move.

Your just not taking advantage of what the net is all about
unless you have the GAMING ZONE or BEZERK!!

Fun word game somewhat like Bolderdash but with Acronyms

Play It on the Zone
Microsoft IE

Sign Our Guest Book View Our Guest Book

Last updated 7 Aug. 1998

You are visitor #
Your lucky #

Since 17 November 1997
(Our counter crashed for some reason?)

Click here to send us Email

|| Europe | F-15E | Celebrities | Miscellaneous ||
|| Mark's page | Chad's page | Mike's page ||
|| Clovis Weather | Map Quest | Embry-Riddle | Air Force | HTML #1 | HTML #2 ||
|| ICQ | Powwow | MIRC || HotMail | RocketMail ||
|| Acrophbia | Gaming Zone | Sub Space ||
|| Sign Guest Book | View Guest Book ||
|| Andy's | Silly-girl's | Guestbook | GeoCities ||

This page could not have looked the way it does with out the help of these sights
Andy's Art Attack! - Your One Stop Web Resource. Silly-girl's Creations! Guestbook by Lpage GeoCities