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Find events and cons CGG members will attend - visit us at our Chapel Service at GenCon!

Christian Gamers Guild: Formerly the Christian Role-Playing Gamers Association        

 If you want a quick overview of who and what the Christian Gamers Guild is, the welcome area is the place to go. Here is where you will find a brief history of the CGG and our statement of faith.

email list

 In the Mailing List area you will find the core of CGG, the forum for discussion of various topics related to gaming. The list is now on YahooGroups.

This is where you want to look if you want to see what has been discussed in the past, is being discussed now, or if you want to join the forum.


The Chaplain's corner is one small aspect of the education ministry of M.J. Young. Here you will find links to articles and information by M.J. and others. A wide range of topics is covered. If you wonder how a group of Christians can play RPG's without being hypocrits, this is one place to find the answer.


Currently the email list is our primary fellowship tool, but members frequently try to arrange get-togethers at various cons. We will soon have a calender of cons that members are planning to attend.


This is a link to the official Ezine of the CGG, "The Way, The Truth, and The Dice". Here you will find current and past issues which contain articles on everything from being a good player or GM to new Christian role playing games.

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