"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."

Winston Churchill

The Pigture Page

Pig Backgrounds to Download

Interesting Pig Trivia

Bailey, Alex, and Nicholas' page (My own "little piggies")

Our Disney Trip - June 2002

Pig Links

Bacon Links, Life, and Potbellied pig FAQ and Resources
A wide variety of pig merchandise for sale like figurines, notecards, T-shirts, etc
The Happy Pig Collectors Club. Pig lovers unite!!

Hear a famous pig.

Links to fun stuff

The Bingo Zone--Free bingo, cash prizes.

     Web GraphicsSome of the graphics on this page can be found here. Lots of great graphics!

You are the person to wallow in the pig pen


© 1996 wendyandphil@earthlink.net

Winner of the Oink Award

Winner of the Bronze Sow Award

Winner of the Swine Site Award